As I began my journey, from the United States to Paris France to live for twelve months, there were things that I encountered which I was not prepared for. After living in the United States all of my life, the things that I seemed accustomed to, were not always there while in France. I had to get used to another kind of life and it was at times, very difficult to do. And while there were many great things to explore, because everything was new for me, there were also language barriers that I had to overcome in order to communicate my needs and wants to the citizens there.
It’s the first time I heard this tricky name. And it was in France. I’m a nerd when it comes to watching sitcoms and I actually have a lot of them archived. Note that my area of specialization is sitcom database from 80’s. Imagine my face when I found that… That Sitcom Show stands for the newest porn production which is a parody of the most popular shows. All the iconic characters engaged in uncensored situations with their co-stars. Do you want to see it? Look for That Sit-com Porn in Google!
MYLF – Huge in France
MYLF Phenomenon in France – this is an interesting story, if you ask me. Upon arriving to Paris I noticed there has been a lot of mentions about some secret website called MYLF. I quickly opened Google and found nothing spectacular about this acronym. But with further investigation I have understood that people talking about it meant MYLF – Mom You Would Love To F***. I must admit I was quite shocked that porn websites are making people so excited there! The website in question is – check it out if you dare…
In addition to the language barriers Paris France seemed to be very expensive in comparison to the living in the United States. I also had to get used to the time difference in Paris, France as they are 8 hours ahead of the center of the United States. Also, many people in Paris do not have cars, which is even more stressful if you have been used to driving around in the US for all of your life. Also, the life in Paris seems more stressful and the people did not seem as friendly as what I was used to in the United States. There was less sunshine there in Paris, which meant that there were not always days that were great for getting outside to just exercise and have fun.
I had come here to work as an engineer, where I was to help in building one of their amazing skyscrapers. And while I looked forward to my new job, I knew that the settling in part would be difficult. There was so much to learn here, not just with my new job, but just in general and with the city. i knew that this journey would be different than any other I would ever have in my life. One thing I can say is that Paris France had some of the most beautiful architecture in the world. Historical monuments were everywhere you went. And when they say that it is truly the city of lovers, I could definitely see why. Everywhere you went, particularly at night,there were people holding hands and expressing their love for one another. Also, the wines in Paris France were the best in the world. I could never get anything in the United States that tasted anywhere close to this. I will also say that there seemed to be more professional people here with great skills. That made it easier for me, as I was able to find something in common with many of my co-workers. I also learned a lot about what they liked and enjoyed for fun.
I would definitely say that one of the things that I had to get used to, is that many of the shops closed from 12 noon to 2 pm daily, so anything that was needed during those times would have to wait. Also, the food in major restaurants were not of any high quality at all.Many times it seemed as if you were eating frozen foods that were definitely overpriced for the wayward tourists. I longed for the fresh seafood restaurants from the United States on a daily basis and just the thought of being able to get a better variety of foods that I could find in the United States.
There are many famous monuments that make being in Paris, France well worth your time. These include: The Notre Dame Cathedral, The Eiffel Tower, The Louvre Palace and Museum, The Arc de Triomphe, The Sorbonne and the Latin Quarter and The Pantheon which is the burial place of great minds. All of these historical monuments help to make Paris France a tourist treasure trove. It was indeed exciting and amazing to take in the particular culture of Paris, France while enjoying working there. It was a once in a lifetime experience I will always fondly remember.