The present situation of immigration in France is mainly due to its old legacy of colonialism and recruitment of workers from different parts of the world. Consequently, the country has witnessed huge waves of immigration since the last century. Thus, immigration is leaving a profound impact on French society. Economically speaking, immigration is a good sign for the overall development of the country. But, in reality, it is actually the cause of social problems to most of the countries involved.
Immigration Rules in Recent Years
Immigration rules in France, just like in other European nations, are helping to give it maximum economic benefits from this flow of people. The First World War was one of the driving forces in bringing down the birth rate of the country. It, in turn, gave rise to shortage of labourers in the French market. France, thus, was compelled to import labourers from around the globe. When other European countries like Germany were facing the challenges of a population explosion, France had a low population rate. Thus, people started to migrate to this part of the world, with the hope of getting a job.

The Immigration Office (backdrop) is one of the busiest offices all year round.
In the past several years, almost 960, 000 people have migrated to this part of the world, making its number of immigrants higher than ever before. In this way, it has greatly increased the ratio of immigrants to that of the total population–taking it to 1 is to 8. So, is the immigrants’ percentage vis a vis the total population skyrocketing? Well, the answer is not exactly. The number of immigrants coming to France has set a balance against the number of people leaving the country. Though the figure of the immigrants is not exactly known, the foreign ministry of the country has estimated that around two to three million French have left the country to put down their roots in some other parts of the world.
The Issue of Unauthorised Residents Revisited
With the abolition of automatic legislation of unauthorised residents of France (The Immigration Act of 2006), the safety and efficiency of the country has increased further. According to this act, unauthorised residents have to wait a minimum of ten years to take part in the legislation of the country. This initiative has been made to safeguard the interests of inhabitants and authorised residents. Irrespective of ethnic identities, the country states that every citizen is equal in the eyes of law. To emphasize this, the country has prohibited the use of religious symbols in educational institutions. Apart from this, a strategy of complete social integration has been executed by France with the objective of creating a cultural homogeneity.
Many new industries and schools are being established in France. These establishments are giving enough job opportunities to jobless but talented seekers. Schools around the country are also taking in the children of immigrants and giving them a world-class education without discrimination. One might say that after its success in the Second World War, the government’s perspective concerning immigrants has changed completely. While immigrants are giving their best efforts in developing the country further, France is also looking after their wellness in all respects. Today, many people consider it as one of the safest countries in the world where foreigners can settle for their lifetime.
Favourable Immigration Rules Convey Compassion

This beautiful French landmark is one of the most popular sights in the world.
Vibrant city life, numerous job openings, and safety are some of the important factors drawing immigrants from across the world to this particular land. The government of the country remains very compassionate towards the immigrants. This make it easier for them to settle in a completely strange country. Its welfare system favours the immigrants by providing them the money they need for renting a house. Cheap intercity transport enables people to go to other places in the weekends to refresh themselves. Theatres, museums, and other recreational centres are situated in proximity to the heart of the nation. As a result, you can access them without spending much on transportation.
Due to the strict administration and strong infrastructure, people living in France are enjoying a safe life. In a great majority of communities in France, the fear of a terrorist incident is almost zero. Here, road accidents also happen rarely. And firearms deaths are negligible. So, if you are hunting for a place where you can spend the rest of your days relaxing, France can be your destination.